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World Steel Association: In October 2021, global crude steel production decreased by 10.6% year-on-year

Source: | Author:ChangXing Refractory | Published time: 870 days ago | 977 Views | Share:
World Steel Association: In October 2021, global crude steel production decreased by 10.6% year-on-year

In October 2021, the crude steel output of 64 countries and regions included in the World Steel Association's statistics was 145.7 million tons, a decrease of 10.6% compared with October 2020.

Crude steel production by region: In October 2021, crude steel production in Africa was 1.4 million tons, an increase of 24.1% over October 2020. Crude steel production in Asia and Oceania was 100.7 million tons, down 16.6%. The CIS crude steel output was 8.3 million tons, down 0.2%. The EU (27) crude steel output was 13.4 million tons, an increase of 6.4%. Crude steel production in Europe and other countries was 4.4 million tons, an increase of 7.7%. The output of crude steel in the Middle East was 3.2 million tons, down 12.7%. Crude steel production in North America was 10.2 million tons, an increase of 16.9%. Crude steel production in South America was 4 million tons, an increase of 12.1%.

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